Discover Cascais

Visit Igreja De Nossa Senhora da Assunção

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The Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção is a significant religious site in Portugal, located on a hilltop and surrounded by a picturesque landscape. This complex attracts both pilgrims who come for prayers and spiritual inspiration and tourists who want to enjoy its historical heritage. Each structure in this complex, including the temple, chapels and gardens, has its own unique story. The Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção is an opportunity to soak up the atmosphere of Cascais sightseeing and feel its spiritual significance.

Tourist Information

The place is also known as the Our Lady of Assumption Church. It’s not only a historical monument of Cascais but a symbol of its cultural and religious heritage. Built in the XVIII century, it impresses with its refined architectural style and rich interior decoration.

The exterior of the church attracts attention with its majestic west-facing facade. The three square-section belfries and two side belfries on hewn pilasters give the building an elegant appearance. The facade features exquisite rococo stylization, including images of saints and reliefs.

The altar, made with gilded wood carvings, is majestically decorated, and on it is placed an image of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin surrounded by angels. Around the nave are valuable works of ancient painting, including works by Master Laurinha and paintings by Josefa de Obidos, dating from the 16th to 17th centuries.

A visit to the church allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Portuguese history and religion. It is recommended to choose a time to visit when there are fewer tourists, which is usually early in the morning or late in the evening. Travelers can also visit the Cascais Cultural Center, located nearby, where interesting exhibitions are held and you can enjoy the atmosphere of a cozy cafe.

Interesting Facts

The Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção, known as the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, holds a special place in the history and culture of Cascais. Originally built in the 1500s on the site of an ancient Visigothic necropolis, the church suffered severe damage in the 1755 earthquake, but was soon rebuilt.

This main church in Cascais is known for its unique tile panels depicting scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary, as well as a fine example of Portuguese wood carvings on the main altar. Inside you will also find valuable 17th-century paintings, including works by Josefa d’Obidos, one of the few female artists of her time.

The church walls are decorated with tile panels and on the ceiling you can see a stunning depiction of the Assumption of Our Lady by José Malloa, a leading artist of the late 19th and early 20th century.

The church is only open for services, but you can go on Sunday morning or Saturday to see its interior before Mass or wedding ceremonies.

There are several interesting places close to the church, including Casa Sommer, a cultural space with temporary exhibitions, the Cascais Citadel, a historic fort with modern galleries, the Paula Rego Museum, a modern building housing the works of a prominent Portuguese artist, and the Museu do Mar, a maritime museum. Don’t forget to visit Praia da Ribeira, the central beach of Cascais, to enjoy a coastal vacation.

Open Hours

The open hours to visit Our Senhora Assunção Church are as follows: Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 18:00, and on Saturdays from 09:00 to 00:00.


Entrance is free.


Address: Largo da Assunção, 2750-298 Cascais, Portugal

How to Get to Igreja De Nossa Senhora da Assunção

To get to Church, you can use different means of transportation. By car, you should drive to the address indicated. You can also take a bus to the city center and then walk to the church. For more detailed information use google maps.